Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Time to catch up

Hey Guys and Girls, so whats been up, y'all. First of all its been a while, so how was you Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or whatever wonderful holiday you celebrate; and I hope you spent it with the one(s) you love, because I know I did. So to fill you in, fashion for the holidays have made history once again, and the winter lines of 2009 are 'huge', but next year there will be another round of 'huge' fashions such as Chivalrous Culture which will be coming at us in 2010, which I'm looking forward to. Any who at this very moment I'm in my new home, adjusting to the change. The weather here has been crazy, the snow is mad. But we all know that the New Years is coming up, and I wont really be doing much, but I'm sure most has new years resolutions, so if you don't mind sharing yours that would be cool. SO this break has been awesome, I'm taking it easy, unlike when school starts up, I've got rehearsal and homework (which is always exciting.ha) also I really want to take a strong interest in instruments and go even HARDER in fashion and music. lol my bad if I was jumping everywhere in this post, but Hey we gotta keep it real.
